FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Hybrid Event
VAC / Training Program Dept. Level
Apr 17, 2023 to Apr 29, 2023
02:30 PM to 02:30 PM
The classes for value added course “Food Processing and Preservation” started on 17 Apr 2023 and ended on 29 Apr 2023 as per the schedule. On Day 1, Dr. Sindhu covered Chemistry of Foods on topics like functions of food for energy, body building and psychological effects. Then the constituents of food namely carbohydrates, protein, lipids and fats were elaborated. On Day 2, importance of food preservation was dealt by Dr. Thamarai Selvi. Prevention of microbial decomposition, self decomposition and mechanical damages were discussed by highlighting the role of microbes, enzymes and insects / rodents in the above activities.
On Day 3, temperature based food preservation techniques such as pasteurization, sterilization, canning and irradiation were handled. On Day 4, Er. Sreelakshmi illustrated various mechanical operations involved in food processing such as cleaning, blanching and mixing. Further the engineering properties of food viz. mechanical, thermal, rheological and aero dynamic were individually explained. On Day 5, Ms. Jincy A discussed microbiology of foods through discussion on bacteria, fungi, lichens, algae and ways to avoid them for preservation. Spoilage of milk, fish, poultry and their products were also elaborated.
On the final day, safety standards were discussed after a brief introduction about the PSG Food Processing Centre by Dr. Radhai Sri, Head, Department of Food Processing Technology. Then students were explained about the various equipment present in pre-processing, processing and packing bays. The utilities section of chiller, steam and reverse osmosis were also shown. The students by themselves pasteurized flavoured milk and individually packed them into recyclable bottles. In the afternoon, students by made jam, squash and ready to serve drinks by themselves in the food processing technology lab. This motivated them a lot and students were excited to undergo further training and undertake entrepreneurship in food area.
Training Certificates have also been provided to the students and coordinators by PSG Food Processing Centre, PSGCAS. The course ended successfully. The feedback have been collected and result analysis prepared.


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