GREAT PLACE TO WORK , KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Hybrid Event
Celebration Institute
Mar 10, 2023
04:30 PM to 04:30 PM
On the evening of March 13th, KPRIET in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu hosted an appreciation program to celebrate its Great Place to Work certification for the second consecutive year. The program was organized to recognize and acknowledge the institute's commitment to building a positive and inclusive work environment. Dr. Venugopal, the Head of Faculty Affairs, gave the welcome address and highlighted the importance of creating a supportive work culture that empowers employees to reach their full potential.
The Principal, Dr. Akila, then took the stage to explain the details of the Great Place to Work award and how KPRIET compares favorably to other companies. She emphasized the institute's dedication to building a diverse and inclusive community that fosters innovation and creativity, and thanked the employees for their contributions to this positive work culture. Her words were received with enthusiasm and appreciation from the staff members.
The highlight of the program was when KPRIET's Chairman, Mr. KP Ramasamy, addressed the staff. He motivated them by expressing his gratitude for their hard work and dedication, and pledged to take all necessary steps to keep their employees happy and ensure their well-being. His inspiring words reinforced the staff's commitment and loyalty to the institute, and his visionary leadership in creating an environment that fosters excellence and innovation was widely acknowledged.
The program also included several interactive activities designed to foster a sense of community and bonding among the attendees. These activities ranged from icebreakers that encouraged attendees to introduce themselves and share their interests, to group discussions on how to further improve the work environment and culture at KPRIET.
In conclusion, the appreciation program organized by KPRIET was a resounding success that left a lasting impression on the staff members. Dr. Venugopal, Dr. Akila, and Mr. KP Ramasamy's speeches were highly inspiring and motivating, reinforcing the staff's commitment and loyalty to the institute. The attendees appreciated the interactive activities as they provided an opportunity for them to connect and bond with colleagues, and share ideas on how to make KPRIET an even better place to work. KPRIET's dedication to building a diverse and inclusive community that fosters innovation and creativity was evident throughout the program, and the attendees left feeling valued and appreciated for their contributions to the institute's success.


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