The Session started by Welcoming the guest and introducing the guest by Dr.S.Sankar Ganesh. The resource person Er. S. Rajendran explained the concepts such as multithreading and JDBC.
Multithreading in Java:
The resource person demonstrated the syntax of the Thread class and its methods. He demonstrated a Java program for implementing multithread. The Thread class creates, controls, and manages threads in a multithreaded application. It provides methods for starting, pausing, stopping, and managing the lifecycle of threads. Additionally, there are often features for synchronization and coordination between threads, such as using locks or semaphores, to avoid issues like race conditions and deadlocks.
He created a table in MySQL that involves using the CREATE TABLE statement. Below is a basic example of how to create a table in MySQL:
· CREATE TABLE yourtablename: This part of the statement begins the table creation process. Replace yourtablename with the desired name for your table.
· CREATE TABLE employees ( emp_id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50), salary float);
Java Database Connectivity is a standard API for connecting and interacting with databases. He explained the following procedures to establish a JDBC connection.
Load the JDBC driver, Establish a database connection, Create a CallableStatement for the stored procedure, Set input parameters, Execute the stored procedure, Retrieve output parameters, and Close the CallableStatement and Connection
Finally, the session ends with questions and answers.
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