ENGINEER’S DAY, KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Hybrid Event
Celebration Dept. Level
Sep 15, 2023
09:00 AM to 09:00 AM

A technical connection event was organized on 15th September 2023 at D-207 as a part of Engineer’s Day by the IETE Students’ Forum (ISF), Department of ECE, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology under the Guidance of the Chairman Dr.K.P.Ramasamy, the Chief Executive Dr.A.M.Natarajan and the Principal Dr.M.Ramasamy.

The event started at 9 a.m. with 42 participants (21 teams) and it was conducted through mentimeter platform. Totally 30 questions were given to each team and asked to started at the same time. Team of volunteers invigilated the complete process carried by the participants. All the participants completed their task through the mentimeter platform and it provided the consolidated report. Based on the number of correct answers given and completed in short period are selected as winners.

Finally out of 21 teams participated in the quiz competition, Ms.S.Subakarin and Ms.S.Roshini of II ECE won first prize; Ms.R.Priyanka and Ms.G.K.Riduvarshini of II ECE won second prize; Ms.M.Nikhita and Ms.C.Priyanka of II ECE won third prize. The prize winners team have been awarded with a cash prize of ₹500 (first prize), ₹300 (second prize) and ₹200 (third prize).

The cash prizes were distributed by Dr.B.Jaishankar, Associate Head, Department of ECE to the winners. The event was Mr.Jakir Hussain, Coordinator, KPRIET - IETE Students’ Forum along with Mr.B.Selvarathinam and Mr.B.Sandhoshkumar of III ECE coordinated the event in a successful manner under the supervision of Dr.J.Indra, Professor and Head, Department of ECE.

E-certificate have been given to all the participants, feedbacks from the participants highlighted the events engaging nature and constructive suggestions were noted for enhancing future events.


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