DEBATE ON "WILL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REPLACE HUMAN INTELLIGENCE", KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

UG Courses

Hybrid Event
Competition Dept. Level
Aug 26, 2023
09:00 AM to 09:00 AM

The debate event on the topic 'Will Human Intelligence Replace Artificial Intelligence?' was successfully conducted on August 26, 2023, at the premises of KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology coordinated by Nishanthini G (Joint Secretary, ISF) and Ranjith T (Executive Member, ISF). The event aimed to foster a comprehensive discussion on the evolving relationship between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. The timing of the event was from 9:30 am to 10:45 am, ensuring active participation from students.

The event began with a warm welcome to all participants, attendees, and the esteemed jury, Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of AI & ML. Ms. Nishanthini Govind, Joint Secretary of ISF, commenced the event by providing a brief overview of the debate's purpose and the significance of the topic in the contemporary technological landscape.

Following the introduction, the participating students were divided into two groups: one advocating that human intelligence will eventually be replaced by artificial intelligence, and the other arguing against the notion. Each group consisted of passionate and articulate speakers who presented their viewpoints eloquently.

The speakers supporting the idea that human intelligence will be replaced by artificial intelligence presented arguments centred around the rapid advancements in AI technologies, machine learning, and neural networks. They highlighted instances where AI systems had outperformed humans in tasks such as image recognition, medical diagnostics, and language translation.

These speakers raised thought-provoking questions about the limits of human cognition and emphasized AI's potential to revolutionize various industries.

On the opposing side, speakers argued that human intelligence and AI are inherently distinct. They emphasized the complexity of human emotions, creativity, and critical thinking, asserting that these traits cannot be replicated by machines. Additionally, they discussed the ethical implications of giving AI too much autonomy and the potential consequences of a future where machines make decisions beyond human control.

Dr. S. Karthikeyan, the esteemed jury for the debate, provided insightful feedback on the arguments presented by both sides. He praised the participants for their thorough research and well-structured presentations. Dr. Karthikeyan highlighted the importance of striking a balance between human intelligence and AI, underlining that both have unique strengths that can be leveraged for mutual benefit.

The debate event on 'Will Human Intelligence Replace Artificial Intelligence?' culminated with the recognition of outstanding participants who demonstrated exceptional eloquence, research, and articulation of their viewpoints. The esteemed jury, Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of AI & ML, had the honor of awarding the following individuals for their remarkable contributions:

The 'Best Speaker' award, presented to participants who exhibited exemplary speaking skills and persuasive argumentation, was a highlight of the event. The winners of this prestigious award showcased their ability to present compelling narratives that captured the essence of their respective positions on the topic.

Best Speaker (Human Intelligence Team): Mr. Vasanth M, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Best Speaker (Artificial Intelligence Team): Ms. Kanika S, Department of Biomedical Engineering.

These participants from both the Human Intelligence Team and the Artificial Intelligence Team demonstrated exceptional oratory skills, profound research insights, and a clear articulation of their standpoints during the debate. Their contributions added depth and substance to the discourse, elevating the quality of the event's discussions.

The event ended with Mr. Ranjith expressed his gratitude to all participants, the jury, and the audience for their active engagement in the thoughtful discourse. Participants were encouraged to continue exploring the ever-evolving landscape of AI and its implications for society.


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