Mr.Jay Rocamontes has delivered his session on 'Scaling Enterprise Agile'. He has covered the Seven core competencies in Business Agility with Agile Practices and Agile culture.
Students can able to apply the knowledge what they have gained in the session wil be helpful for them to apply in Realtime.
Agile methodology is a project management approach that prioritizes cross-functional collaboration and continuous improvement. It divides projects into smaller phases and guides teams through cycles of planning, execution, and evaluation.
Agile’s four main values are:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Agile Teams must be build cross functional teams, Self Organizing entities.
Responsibilities of Agile Team are Improving Rentlessly, Connecting with the customer, Planning the work, delivering the value. Getting Feedback.
Safe Lean Agile Mindset
Agile Mindset and Generative Culture.
The iron triangle of Project Management.
Integration points and control product development
Stories and Story maps
Jay Rocamontes' leadership and expertise inspire attendees to embrace agility and drive transformative change within their organizations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
21st Century Engineering College in Coimbatore
World is transforming everyday. In the rapidly evolving engineering landscape, we have an Increased responsibility to transform the engineering education from traditional curriculum to meet the 21st century skills like Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication. Through our unique and strategic approach we enable our students to learn beyond and prepare them for life long success.