இன்றைய கவிஞர்கள், KPR Institute Engineering and Technology, Autonomous Engineering Institution, Coimbatore, India

இன்றைய கவிஞர்கள்

Hybrid Event
இன்றைய கவிஞர்கள்
Competition Institute
Jan 28, 2023
09:30 AM to 09:30 AM
Kurinji Tamil Sangam
இன்றைய கவிஞர்கள் இன்றைய கவிஞர்கள்
Event report – indraya kavignarkal.
The event indraya kavignarkal is organized for internal KPR participants by tamil manavar mandram during the Sangamam '23 . The venue of the event is first year of computer science engineering specialization in artificial intelligence and machine learning classroom. Main theme of the competition is "road safety" as Sangamam ' 23's main theme also road safety . There are two stages in the competition. 1 st was to write the poem . After that best poems will be selected . The selected students have to read the poem in the second stage . By the end of the second round . 36 were participated in the event . Among the 36 poems , best 10 were selected for the next round . In the second round , the participants were asked to read the poems that was written by themself . By their performance the winners are selected and the prize was distributed . Among the 10 participants , three were selected and top two were awarded by sangamam . In addition to that , the third prize was given from tamil manavar mandram as consolation prize. Selected 10 poems were planned to post in the official Instagram page of tamil manavar Mandram. Event was coordinated by Mr K Murugesan , Faculty coordinator , Tamilmandarm. Dr Kanamni judge the Kavithai and released the result. The same kind of event planned in Fiestaa 2023 for external participants . Fiestaa will help to outreach our Institute and our Tamilmandream . Student coordinators are Mr. Jeya Athithya, Ms. Shahina Afrin and Ms. Sibishree .


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